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Why antistatic treatment is important?
Why permeation data are so important?
Quality of Single Use Garments
What is DuPont™ SafeSPEC™ and permeation data ?
External Seam Resistance
Key Benefits of Tyvek® 500 Xpert
Example of Incorrect Doffing
Tear Resistance | DuPont™ Tyvek® vs MPF
DuPont™ Tyvek® Water resistance & Breathability
Seam comparison demonstration of Tyvek® garments
High Temperature contact performance | Tyvek® vs MPF
Particle Shedding
Demonstration of Incorrect Donning & Doffing
Abrasion demonstration of DuPont™ Tyvek® VS MPF
Lightweight demonstration of Tyvek® garments
Permeation demonstration of DuPont™ Tyvek® VS MPF
Low linting demonstration of DuPont™ Tyvek® vs MPF
Get to know the Liège Fire Department in Belgium<br>
How to choose a better gear to limit contamination<br>
Firefighter experience with a Nomex® Nano Flex hood<br>
How the layers of your turnout gear work together<br>
Nomex® Nano Flex – Why is it important for fire service?<br>
What’s underneath your gear matters<br>
Firefighters Talk: Challenges for Firefighting<br>
Firefighters Talk: Sustainability for Departments and Brigades
Firefighters Talk: Considerations for Chemical Protective Garments<br>
Introduction of the Hood<br>
Detachable outer-shell design<br>
What to consider when selecting hoods<br>
Interfaces in your gear – can they help protect you from harmful
Nomex® Nano and Nomex® Nano Flex – How are they different?
Thermal liners: Part 1 – How Nomex® Nano can help reduce the risk of heat stress
Thermal liners: Part 2 – How “slippery” thermal liners can benefit firefighters
Firefighters Talk: Protection or Comfort?<br>
Firefighters Talk: Chemical Hazards
Gloves made with DuPont™ Kevlar® Engineered Yarns provide industrial workers a leading lightweight and durable cut and mechanical protection.
Contact heat resistant gloves made with DuPont™ Kevlar® Engineered Yarns are essential for workers who are exposed to heat hazards.